Demand for public affordable housing subsidy funds still far outstrips supply, and nonprofit affordable housing developers — SCANPH’s core constituent — face both challenges and growing opportunities to fulfill their missions and ensure long-term affordability of their properties.  While affordable housing development is not simple in the best of times, the industry is a resilient field with smart, dedicated people who are shaping public policy and the community’s understanding and commitment to housing. Collectively, SCANPH members have broad reach throughout our communities and the ability to influence across sectors.

SCANPH ensures that nonprofit developers can thrive by focusing on the following policy priorities in 2025:

State and Local Priorities

SCANPH is in a unique position to guide this transformation and support nonprofit developers in delivering and sustaining affordable housing.

While our primary focus is on local and regional policy work, we continue to work with sister agencies to advance a meaningful Sacramento agenda. Overall, power building to advance local and state policy is the highest priority program area, so SCANPH looks to actively aggregate its power with that of members and community partners with shared policy interests in order to facilitate an environment conducive to effective affordable housing development.

With respect to federal policy, SCANPH is the voice for Southern California nonprofit developers at the federal level; SCANPH will be engaged, take action, and exert influence by using every tool at its disposal.