The Residents United Network (RUN) is an organizing effort to empower low-income residents to participate in the political process through civic engagement. People living in our members’ developments are direct stakeholders in the state’s housing crisis, and if their voices are heard, it ensures that more just policies will be enacted so more Californians can experience the numerous benefits of safe and affordable housing. RUN has established Resident Action Committees in five regions throughout the state (San Diego, Los Angeles, Central Valley, Bay Area, and Sacramento). SCANPH is proud to serve as host to the LA RAC. The RACs are made up of resident leaders and staff from three to five local partner organizations, with resident leaders making up a majority on each committee. We are also developing a new RUN network in the Inland Empire.
RUN LA and SCANPH remain committed over the next few years to engage even more affordable home residents in the decisions that affect the health and stability of their lives and communities. We aim to harness people power as a political force in order to influence policy and budget decisions at all levels of government.
“RUN LA - through policy development, advocacy, and capacity building - strives to eliminate homelessness with affordable and supportive housing. Our efforts will encompass the preservation and sustainability of existing affordable housing stock as well as its expansion. Fostering relationships with a variety of stakeholders, we will amplify our message of ‘Affordable Housing For All.’ ”
Newsletter Archive
In early 2013, representatives of nonprofit affordable hosuing developers, resident service providers, and a variety of advocacy organizations held a series of meetings to discuss the vision and reality of developing a first-of-its-kind, statewide resident base of power in California. These meetings resulted in the creation of RUN. The network is a new model of collaboration and empowerment for healthy communities, with a focus on affordable home preservation and production. We have been measuring the success of RUN LA through its rapidly expanding core of membership and organizational participation. Membership growth has largely been accomplished through outreach to SCANPH’s member network.
For more information about RUN, please see here.