Meet SCANPH Board Member Beulah Ku

Beulah Ku, Century Housing

Beulah Ku, Century Housing

SCANPH Board Members – the strength behind its success – are geographically diverse and serve as experts, practitioners, and advocates for supporting policy and programming that addresses the needs of economically disadvantaged individuals and families who are most in need of affordable housing. Our team is grateful to be backed by the decades of experience and expertise of the board, who reflect a diverse and representative body of SCANPH organizational members.

SCANPH will introduce each of our board members and share background about the leadership we count on to guide our initiatives.

Beulah Ku joined the SCANPH board in 2019 and serves on the Conference Committee. She brings over 20 years of marketing and management experience to Century Housing as the Assistant Vice President of Client Relations. Beulah focuses on identifying, assessing, and developing new business opportunities. She is involved in strategic marketing and operations and works closely with Lending. Prior to joining Century, she held various management positions in a diverse arena, including architecture, media and venture capital. She holds a Master of Business Administration in Marketing and an undergraduate degree in dietetics. She serves as an Advisor to the CORO Executive Fellows Program and served as a Board member of the Beverly Hills Women’s Club. Beulah also co-owns Joss Cuisine in Beverly Hills and Le’Petit Biscuit in Pasadena.

Why were you interested in joining the board of SCANPH?

Throughout my 13 years in the affordable housing industry, I have met and have been very impressed with the passion, intelligence and dedication of individuals who serve on the SCANPH board. I believe I have a professional and personal need to be engaged in an organization that advocates for housing and collaborate with like-minded individuals who want to make their voices known to policy makers throughout the state. The lack of affordable housing in Los Angeles and surrounding regions is the most pressing issue I can help address.

What is the best part of your job (either for your organization or as a board member)?

The best part of my job is to be a part of an organization with a very wide scope. Century finances, builds and provides services to help the underserved population in Los Angeles and throughout the state of California. I have the privilege of working with colleagues from many different backgrounds who are truly dedicated to the mission of helping the underserved communities throughout Southern California.

How did you first get involved in the affordable housing sector?

I was an investor in real estate in the late 1990s and became interested in affordable housing due to the injustices I have witnessed in co-op boards.

What project are you most proud of and why?

Anchor Place, which is part of the 27-acre Century Villages at Cabrillo campus. Century developed it and offers supportive services, which are coordinated with about 15 other service providers.

If you could enact one policy change with the snap of your fingers, what would it be?

Mandating that developers invest in older multi-family units, rehab them, and allocate a portion for low to moderate income.

What might people be surprised to know about you?

I’ve traveled to over 100 countries. I love the ocean and being surrounded by luscious landscape.

If you didn’t live in Southern California where would you like to live?

I can easily live in the countryside in Edinburgh, Scotland or Bath, England.

Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?

Siddhartha Gautama

If you could steal credit for any great piece of art, song, film, book etc. which one would you claim? And Why?

Amazon and e-commerce. Buying things online is a time saver and everyone can save “moments” in their lives.

Do you have a motto or personal mantra?

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” —Maya Angelou

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