Inclusionary Housing Workshop

SCANPH and the city of Pasadena's Housing & Career Services Department convened a workshop on inclusionary housing in the post-Palmer fix era on January 30, 2018 at the Pasadena Public Library. Given the passage of AB 1505 (Bloom), there is likely to be significant regional interest in this important and well-established local land use tool. This bill restores the long-standing authority of local governments to choose to require the inclusion of affordable rental units as one component of their local inclusionary housing policies, i.e. rental housing is not treated differently. 

Tim Harter, representative from Assemblymember Richard Bloom’s Office, provided comments on AB 1505. View his presentation here

Representatives from three cities discussed their productive local inclusionary programs. You can view their presentations here: 
Bill Huang, City of Pasadena
James Kemper, City of Santa Monica
Peter Noonan, City of West Hollywood

The program also included the perspective of market-rate developers. Ben Besley from Midwood Investment & Development, and John Reekstin from the Olson Company provided their thoughts on the impact of inclusionary zoning on market-rate development.

And you can view the presentation of Kathe Head from Keyser Marston Associates here.

Video of the workshop is available below:

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