Workshop: Meeting LA's Fair Share of New Housing

On February 22nd, SCANPH partnered with Los Angeles City Planning, and the Housing & Investment Community Development Department (HCIDLA) for a workshop titled, “Meeting LA’s Fair Share of New Housing: How New Statewide Changes Will Impact the Local Planning Process.” The workshop presented a comprehensive discussion on two newly-approved state housing bills: SB 35 and SB 167.

Senate Bill 35 creates a streamlined, ministerial approval process for infill developments in cities that have not met their regional housing needs assessment numbers. Check out SCANPH's fact sheet on SB 35!
Senate Bill 167 prohibits local agencies from disapproving qualifying affordable housing projects unless specific findings or hardships can be made. Check out SCANPH's new fact sheet on SB 167.

Below is a list of speakers at the session, along with links to their slides:

  • Megan Kirkeby and Robin Huntley, Housing Policy Division, California Housing and Community Development: HANDOUT
  • Matthew Glesne, City Planner, LA City Planning Department: SLIDES
  • Elizabeth Camacho, land use attorney from Loeb & Loeb: SLIDES
  • Claudia Monterrosa, Director of Public Policy & Planning, LA Housing + Community Investment Department (HCIDLA): SLIDES
  • Ben Besley, Midwood Investment
  • Becky Dennison, Executive Director, Venice Community Housing
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