UCI Research Supports PSH Project in Santa Ana


Best practices implemented at the Orchard, a Permanent Supportive Housing project in Santa Ana, could save Orange County $42 million per year, according to new research from the University of California, Irvine. The study found that it would be less expensive to invest in a Housing First approach than to pay for emergency and temporary services.

The Orchard provides PSH utilizing a Housing First model for 71 individuals and families experiencing chronic homelessness.  Located in Santa Ana, the $18 million project is developed by Community Development Partners with services provided by Mercy House.

Mercy House Executive Director Larry Haynes commented, “Housing works.  Projects like The Orchard are the answer to ending homelessness, for even the most problematic of situations. And what's more, The Orchard is providing housing in a really dignified and beautiful way.  That isn't always the norm with housing for the chronically homeless.”

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