Workshop Recap: PLHA Technical Assistance Session

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On Tuesday, September 21, SCANPH convened in partnership with SCAG and HCD for a special technical assistance-oriented workshop session to inform attendees about taking full advantage of opportunities made possible through Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) funding. PLHA funding provides a permanent source of funding to all local governments in California to help cities and counties implement plans to increase affordable housing stock.

Find a PLHA powerpoint here. Find a detailed Q&A here. Slides from the session workshop are here. Find the PLHA NOFA here.

Reminder: We are offering free TA office hours for PLHA application assistance for jurisdictions. Click below to schedule:

Watch a recording of the workshop here:

Throughout this session, panelists covered such topics as how delegations work, as well as funding period deadlines and what is required to delegate formulas. Panlists provided an overview of suggested uses for matching funds placed into local or regional Housing Trust Funds, assistance to persons experiencing or at risk of homelessness, rapid rehousing, rental assistance, supportive services, accessibility modifications in lower-income owner-occupied housing and down payment assistance. This session explained tips on expenditure deadlines in regards to applying for money, including application deadlines. In this current NOFA round, there are 10 eligible activities. If a jurisdiction receives funds but does not spend funds within their timeframe, recipients can request for funds to be returned, reverting funds to the MHP fund. To conclude, panelists outlined how jurisdictions that are not in full compliance with their housing element are still eligible to apply for PLHA funding.

SCAG/SCANPH member jurisdictions may schedule one-on-one office hours to receive PLHA technical assistance here.

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